Harmony Day is held on the 21st March each year. The focus is on cultural diversity and living in harmony. On Wednesday morning we paraded around the undercover area dressed in costumes from many countries. We enjoyed viewing the school art display of dream catchers with messages about how to live in harmony. During the day, we completed activities and discussed how we can live in harmony and celebrate our differences.
Buddy Class
On Wednesday of Week 7 students in Room 11 visited Room 14 to work with their buddies. We helped make flags together in preparation for Harmony Day on the 21st March. We have set up a regular reading session during 'Silent Reading' after lunch, with four students from Room 11 visiting to read with their buddies. We are all looking forward to working with our buddies over the year.
Merit Certificate Winners
Congratulations to Naveed and Chelsea on earning a merit certificate at the last Senior Assembly.