Thursday, 30 March 2017

Harmony Day

Harmony Day is held on the 21st March each year.The focus this year is cultural diversity. Prior to the day, students worked with their buddy class to make flags representing their different cultural origins.

On Tuesday morning we paraded around the undercover area dressed in costumes from many countries. We enjoyed viewing the school art display with 'Y' charts from every student.



During the day we discussed how we can live in harmony and celebrate our differences. We made a 'Welcome Tree' writing 'welcome' in different languages on the leaves of the trees.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Assembly Item

Image result for slouch hat anzac day

Room 15 and Room 21 are combining together for an assembly item to be held on Friday 31st March. As part of the item, students will be reciting an ANZAC poem. Please click on the picture to find the poem. Students will need to learn all the words and we will practise the rhythm at school. Costumes for the assembly are being discussed and we will update you with details soon.  Students are also asked to research information on ANZAC Day that we can use throughout the assembly.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Summer Sports Carnival

On Friday 17th March many Year Six students participated in a Summer Sports Carnival. Students practised during lunch and recess to improve their skills. On the day, it was great to see the way the students had improved and worked together as a team. Congratulations to the Softball team and Volleyball 'A' team for winning a trophy. All other teams played well and were a credit to our school.
Cricket 'A' Team

Cricket 'B' Team

Volleyball 'A' Team

Volleyball 'B' Team

Softball Team

Monday, 20 March 2017

Natural Disasters Report

Image result for natural disastersStudents have been finding out about natural disasters as part of our Science program. They had to research and make notes before writing a report in their own words during our 'Big Write'. Click on the picture to read a few examples from the class.