Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Aussie Day

On Friday of Week 2, the school celebrated Australia Day by dressing up with an Australia theme. In class, we have been investigating how we celebrate our national day and how New Zealand, one of our nearest neighbours, celebrates their day. We compared and contrasted Australia Day and Waitangi Day. We found that we had a lot in common with each other but also some key differences. Students showed their information in a Venn Diagram.

Parent Information Evening

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Parent Information Evening in Week Three. 

At the meeting I went through the school and class routines and expectations for the year. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, via the diary or by arranging an appointment. On the evening we handed out the Year Six standards for Literacy and Numeracy. For those unable to attend a copy of the standards was sent home with your child. 

Senior Assembly Week 4

Congratulations to Mr Sanderson and Mr Sherlock for all their assembly items, particularly the song "It's Hip to be Square".

At the assembly, Rafi, Hannah, Luke and Yasaman received merit certificates for all their hard work in the previous weeks.

Further congratulations are due to Jazib who was the first student in our class to achieve a Literacy Pro Certificate - Blue. A big congratulations to those students who did quizzes and achieved a 100% pass rate, which enabled our class to win the Literacy Pro champions trophy. Keep up the good reading everyone.


During recent STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities, the students made a seismograph out of items easily found around home and the class. This was a fabulous link to the work we have been doing on earthquakes and also linked to our writing task in Week Four. Please enjoy some pictures of the designs.