Thursday, 11 April 2019

Senior Assembly Week 8

Congratulations to all the students in Room 11 and Room 17 for their fabulous performances during our  assembly items. You all delivered a good message about 'mindfulness' and  'resiliency’s' which I hope will continue to be used in the classes.

At the assembly, Shiam, Travis, Sharon and Trinity received Merit Certificates for all their hard work in the previous weeks.

Further congratulations are due to Trinity, Sharon, Rafi and Jazib for achieving  their Literacy Pro Certificates. 
A special mention to Trinity who was awarded her Bronze and Silver certificates. Keep up the good reading everyone.

ANZAC Day Service

As part of our work on the ANZACS we have been discussing different symbols. The poppy grew on European battlefields and is now a symbol showing respect for the soldiers. Traditionally the red poppy is used For Remembrance Day (11 November), however, it is now also used in wreaths for ANZAC Day. Together with our buddy class, we made poppies to wear at our ANZAC Day service. We also worked together to make a wreath which will be laid at the service.

Senior Assembly
Congratulations to all students on their participation at our assembly. You all delivered the song "Brave" really well and shared the message to speak up. The Resilience skits went really well and were fabulously anchored by our local TV station and roving reporters.

Primary School - tripping over
Pyjama Party - moving away

High School - Failed TEE

TV team and roving reporters
The poem "It Couldn't be Done" by Edgar Guest was well recited by Alona and Rafi and certainly gave the message to be resilient and not give in.

Congratulations to Rafi for winning the Science Award for Room 11, a well-deserved award for such an inquiring mind.

Congratulations to Yasaman for winning the Values Award for Room 11. Yasaman is always kind to others and looks for ways to help others with her caring nature. She is a fabulous role model, showing respect for her peers and staff.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Harmony Day

A big thank you to all the parents who supported students in dressing up for Harmony Day. It was wonderful to see so many different nationalities in their costumes. Wattle Grove PS is truly a multi-cultural school, setting the way for us to 'work and play together' as mentioned in our school song.

Buddy Class

We really enjoyed working with our buddies in Room 15. The students loved helping our buddies draw and colour their flags in preparation for Harmony Day. We have also set up a regular reading session with students from Room 11 visiting twice a week to read with their buddies.